Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

2011 was an amazing year. So many things happened. I had several FIRSTS and FAVORITES that I’m grateful for and want to share with you. I became a NRA Pistol Instructor. I had my first student on the range and she was an amazing shot! I took my first Pepper Spray class (it was so much fun, I’m getting certified to teach them in the new year). I wrote my first Blog and discovered my voice, and that I can write things other people want to read. I took my first Personal Defense lesson and found my strength. I discovered an author whose work I love; Kathy Jackson, The Cornered Cat. I got to meet a 2nd Amendment icon, Dick Heller. I met Evan Carson, who became my instructor, my boss and my friend. All in all, a good year. Now, on to see what 2012 will bring! Maybe a book of my own? A new Rifle? I want to thank my husband, family, friends and kittens for all their support. I want to thank all of you for reading, commenting and sharing. When I started this blog, just last month, I never dreamed I would reach so many people. Thank you. I wish all of you a Safe and Happy 2012. Happy Shooting! Stay Safe! Lynne