Friday, January 27, 2012

National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day Update

What an amazing response!!!  However, it caught us a little by surprise!  We, my co-founder and I, have been scrambling to put together a plan, form a corporation to oversee everything, get a website put together, get a logo, organizational materials, etc.

I don’t want to lose any of this amazing momentum that has built, which is why I’m trying to keep you all informed as much as I can.  We’ve heard from a lot of ranges, and people who are talking to the ranges, about hosting an event Jun 9.  YEA!

Watch the FB page, as soon as the website goes live, you will be able to contact us through the site and register your range as a host, at that point I will also send you electronic versions of promotional materials, the logo, suggestions for hosting, a liability waiver, etc., and put you on a group list for updates. 

One of the plans is that the website will have a map of the US.  You will be able to click on your state and see a list of participating ranges and their contact information.  You will also be able to see a list of national level sponsors and there will be a link for anyone who would like to be a national level sponsor.

Donated goods will be distributed to host ranges via random drawing about 30 days prior to the event.  We don’t have any yet, but hope to.  Also, we are encouraging local sponsors to help with your costs and provide giveaways or prizes. 

Please be patient with us.  We are all very excited about this and are working as fast as we can to get it put together.  The only thing we ask in return is that after the event you send us feedback on how to improve the processes for next year, and that you send photos that we can post to share the joy of the day.  If the pictures are half as cute as many that have turned up on FB, I can’t wait!  I can’t respond to them all but I do try to read all the posts.  So many smiles!  Those faces tell me we are on the right path, and this will be an amazing day for all of us.

Thank you for your support.

 Sorry, “we” is Lynne Finch (co-founder and Director of NTYDTTRD, Inc), Evan Carson (co-founder and Director of NTYDTTRD, Inc), and Russ Charlesworth, (Director of NTYDTTRD, Inc.)

Safe Shooting!


  1. It's gonna be great! You all are doing a fantastic job!

  2. What a great idea! I have a site that promotes the same idea and would love to get involved. Would love to share ideas and traffic too! We are also just getting started.

  3. Great idea! I just created that promotes similar interests, getting young girls into hunting but fashionably! Would love to share your posts and help anyone find some pink camo gear. I am also just getting started!

    1. Good luck! Keep us posted as you increase your selection. Love the dresses and the size range that covers nearly all of us! Great idea.

  4. What a wonderful idea. we support it fully. Best of luck! I will spread the word.
