Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I've been a little busy with National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day activities.  But...please come visit us as www.NationalTakeYourDaughtertotheRangeDay.com .  We are still putting the finishing touches on it, but are close and starting to register ranges.

We are also starting to actively solicit sponsors and donations.  These will not be tax deductible, sorry.  We are working on that.  But we have put out a lot of our own money to build the infrastructure (non-profit corporation, website, etc.), and will have more expenses coming with shipping prizes and such. 

We will have a donate button soon, but in the interim, if you would like to help, you can contact me and I will let you know how.  None of the Directors are receiving any compensation, 100% goes into the event and the backbone for the event.

All cash donations will be used for expenses.  All in kind donations, unless specifically targeted to the local event Evan, Russ and I are hosting, will be distributed by random drawing from all registered ranges about 30 days before the event.  If you would like to help, please let me know.  You will be listed on the sponsor page (unless you ask to remain anonymous).

Thank you all for your patience and your support.  I think this year will be great but we will learn so much from it that next year will be even better!

Safe Shooting!


  1. Talked to another instructor today; we have to wait until the board meetings in March to present this, but we are very interested in doing something at one of our local ranges. You're doing a ton of work in a very short period of time; thanks for organizing this.

  2. Let me know if you would like any documentation to present to help them decide YES! :-)

  3. I love your site! I take my daughters to the range when our schedules permit and they both love to shoot.
