Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Middle Aged Booth Babe-Working a Local Gun Show

You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been quiet for the past several days.  It has been crazy busy.  One of the things I got to do this past weekend was work a booth for Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC at a local gun show.  It was an eye opening experience.  I’ve always wandered the aisles, but when you are behind the table you see things that you don’t notice when you are part of the crowd. 

There was the young man who had apparently just bought a new AR, walking through the crowd with it pointed up, finger spastically working the trigger.

There was the man who was idly twirling a pistol on his finger as he walked down the aisle.

Lots of people looking at pistols, picking them up, finger on the trigger, muzzling people.

Actually, even though I knew everything was zip tied, it made me a little uncomfortable to see the casual attitude and disregard for basic safety rules. 

I’m curious, does this behavior bother anyone else?

Safe Shooting!


  1. I have noticed and I have missed you!! And YES, it bothers me to no end. I guess gun safety has been so drilled into me that I just cringe whenever anyone disregards it. Even if I know it's empty, I can't handle it.

  2. I makes me crazy. I'm very picky about who I go shoot with because there are far too many people who disregard basic safety. I don't care if you "know" the gun is unloaded, don't point it at me unless you want my to lose my mind.

  3. It does bother me. The basic rules are so deeply ingrained that whenever I see anyone disregarding them I get nervous. Yes, even if I know the gun is not loaded. By failing to practice the gun safety rules at all times, one just might forget that a gun IS loaded, and inadvertantly and dangerously 'play' around with it as done before. One should never, ever fool around with guns such as described being witnessed at the gun show. It might cause that person to get too blase and forget when it counts the most.

  4. Agree with both of the above comments. It definitely bothers me. There's no room for sloppy habits when it comes to firearms.
