Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thanks for your Patience, Hang in a little longer?

I know some of you have been wondering where all the funny and informative posts went!  I apologize.  National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day has taken up a tremendous chunk of time, I’m teaching more…but, and I have resisted telling anyone until now, I’ve been working on a book for women shooters, an introduction to shooting, concealed carry with some chapters on unarmed personal defense and situational awareness.
It will have the same tone as my usual posts, conversational, light and lots of information. The first draft is almost finished, then I have to get all the photos, and put it in final form, but I hope to have it shipped off to the publisher by July. 
So, don’t give up on me, I will be back with more ideas, suggestions and off beat humor. And, if all goes according to plan, you can look for my book next spring! I will definitely keep you all posted!

Safe Shooting!


  1. I hope it includes how to "shoulder" your combat, defense rifle. I need some help.

    1. Funny! Sorry, the focus is a bit more basic than that. I never did learn the right way to carry an M-16 (during 20 years in the USAF). But, it was the AF...:-)
