Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why I do what I do…

Someone posted on my FB page recently “Do you ever sleep?”.  They were teasing, sort of.  This is a very hectic time for me, with work, teaching, writing…but gosh, I can’t imagine what I would give up!  I have some big announcements coming in the near future (unfortunately none involve the Mega Millions Jackpot).
NTYDTTRD is coming along so well, we are welcoming new ranges every week, we are coast to coast and just added Hawaii!  The “Founders”, Evan Carson and I, are starting to promote our own event which will be at the NRA Range in Fairfax, Va.  My husband jokingly told me with as much effort and money as we are putting into this our event better not “suck”!  Yikes!  Pressure…but I know those who attend will have a great time.  We have lots of cool things planned and may even have a special guest, but I can’t say until it is confirmed. The NRA is getting behind this event, posting it on NRA News (I got interviewed and boy was I nervous!).  It has started to gather attention among the folks in the big building, and I expect we will see more than a few of them, with their kids, at the event.
Teaching is turning out to be a labor of passion. I’ve been doing more time on my feet in the classroom lately, and LOVING IT!  Most of you know, I’m an adjunct instructor for Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC.  It is a great group of instructors and we have fun in our classes.  Being a relatively new instructor I mostly sat in on classes to learn, or taught for an hour or two.  Last weekend I had my first time as the lead instructor for a class and was lucky enough to have a co-instructor that I like a lot. We had so much fun! I think our students did, too!  When we had the range time, I got to work with two ladies who both did quite well. I’m always impressed with how quickly women master the basics and how big the smiles are when they shoot well! One of the women had a little problem with her gun mis-feeding, but I couldn’t see what was causing it. I asked if she minded if I shot it, she said ok, and I sent two rounds down range.  (If ever there is a time the instructor wants to only see one hole it is when the student is watching that close and YES, one slightly enlarged jagged hole!  WOO-HOO!) No mis-feed, but it answered the question in my mind and we talked about firming up the wrist support just a little more.  No more mis-feeds and a very happy student. 
Firearms can be a pretty serious topic, and safety is critical. When you can do that and still make a joke and get people to laugh, remind them that we are going to the range to what?  HAVE FUN!!!  Yep, even an introvert like me goes home feeling pretty good.
What?  Introvert?  Yes, it’s true.  I can work a room, give a presentation, teach a class and do a live radio interview, but I’m still an shy introvert at my core. Those things usually leave me feeling drained because of the amount of energy it takes to do them. However, teaching leaves me pretty up beat! Maybe it is because I love it, maybe it is the looks on the faces of my students as they have an “Ah-Ha” moment, or maybe it is because we have fun. Maybe it is because of my passion for shooting.
For those of you out there, on the fence, wondering if you could teach…GO FOR IT!  We need more Women Instructors. More women are in the classes, it is good for them to see women shooting and loving what they do. Get in with a good established team of instructors, take your time, team teach classes, discover your passion for sharing the fun and joy of shooting safely.
You can search the NRA Instructor Portal for instructor classes in your area.
Safe Shooting.


  1. You are awesome and I am glad you are having so much fun!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. I like you so much!!! Thank you!
