Thursday, May 10, 2012

National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day

One of the questions I hear most often in interviews and discussions recently is. "How does it make me feel to see NTYDTTRD be so openly accepted and embraced?".  The answer to that is ... humble.  I'm so very grateful to the people who are working to make events happen across this wonderful country, to the shooting community who are embracing this idea and participants who are planning to attend.

It is difficult to describe the feeling of seeing your idea blossom and grow, to be accepted...I can not yet imagine what the coming years will bring, but I anticipate that this will become a treasured memory for many, who will want to repeat it year after year, and hopefully introduce families to shooting sports that they will enjoy in safety for years to come.

Safe Shooting and Thank You All!!


  1. Lynne, you should be proud!! I remember when it was a casual idea you tossed out on FB and then bam!! No one else came up with the idea, but even if they had, it took you: you heart, your passion, your dedication, your contacts to make it happen.

    Thank you for letting me a tinie tiny part of it!!!

  2. I was looking for the "like" button, but will just say that I definitely like this post and all you have done for women, young and old. I'm happy to know you and to be a part of this :)
