Sunday, May 27, 2012

Winchester Marksmanship Program - UPDATE

(As you know, I'm recycling some older posts because I'm swamped with NTYDTTRD, but I'm also adding to them as I go.  I will get back on "target" soon.

Have you looked at this? Information is available on the NRA site under Programs. This is a great program, even for an experienced shooter. It uses the honor system, except for the final level, where you meet minimum standards to achieve each level. They get progressively harder as you progress.  
I’m working the Pistol Qualification program now. I just finished the third level, where I had to shoot two handed grip with strong and weak hand. I had shot one handed before, but never two handed leading with my weak hand. It was a challenge. I think that was the idea.
I’ve heard people say that no one does this program anymore. I would like to see that change. This is a great way to measure your progress against defines standards. It encourages work on fundamentals and shooting skills. It addresses a variety of firearms, not just pistols, but rifle and shotgun as well.
I’m still an advocate for formal training, but we can’t go to the range with an instructor every week. This program adds a touch of discipline to my practice sessions, and gives me a goal to work to meet. This isn’t the only way I practice, but it is one aspect of my practice.
Let me know if you have worked through this program or considered it. I’m very interested in what others think.
I have completed the Expert, all that is left now is DE.  I know several ladies who have completed their DE, and I'm so proud of them.  I'm a little nervous about trying but I think once the event is past, and I'm off the Prednisone (I've been sick the last few weeks and my asthma got bad) I'll give it my best.

You may have read recently about my thoughts on shooting for marksmanship vice shooting for defense.  Huge Difference!  However, this program isn't just about marksmanhip, it also addresses many areas critical to defense, such as shooting one handed and shooting with your weak hand.  I have a tremendous appreciation for the effort it takes to get through this, there were some frustrating moments along the way.  For those of you who are working through it, display your rockers or pins proudly, let people know that this is so much more than just hitting the target. 

My small range bag has all the rockers on the top, with room for the last one after I earn it. 
Safe Shooting!

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