Friday, June 15, 2012

Review of Ruger LC9

I took my new Ruger LC9 (9mm) to the range for the first time today.  In a word...WOW!  I loved it!  It is only slightly bigger than my LCP .380.  It has a 7+1 capacity.  The biggest difference between the LC9 and it's little sister is the weight.  It is substantial enough to absorb a lot of the recoil.  It is DAO so the trigger pull is long, but not heavy.  It is surprisingly light for a DAO.  The reset is almost all the way out so there is a lot of trigger slack, and that took a little getting used to.  But with the pink tip extension on the mag it was an easy fit (and I regularly shoot a full size Glock) in my hand, comfortable, two handed and one handed.  Easy to handle.  Accurate, nice bright 3 dot sights.  Mine has a laser, but it sits under the barrel so I wouldn't use it with the sights, can't see it.  I can see that it would be great in a low light situation.

I fired 50 rounds through it, no misfeeds, no issues...I shot slow, I shot feels like a much bigger gun but it still a "pocket" sized pistol.

Extra mags were a little expensive, but worth it.  With the pinky tip extension (which I highly recommend) they were about $35 a piece at the gun show.

It fits perfectly in my Remora holster so I can carry in the waist, in a pocket, on my thigh...Note the LC9 with laser does not fit in a Flashbang bra holster. 

Will it be my primary?  It could, but I still like the extra capacity of my Glock 19.  Would I trust it?  Yes!  Will I carry it regularly as a back up?  Yes!  Primary when I need something a little more discrete, like with a dress.

Bottom shoots like a bigger, heavier gun.  Not hard on the hand, no malfunctions, surprisingly easy to handle.

Safe Shooting!


  1. Thanks for the update... the gals and I may pick one up this year... not that we need another gun... lol...

    Dann in Ohio

    1. Do we ever NEED another one? LOL, I couldn't resist. I really like it.

      Safe Shooting!
