Monday, August 20, 2012

My Fantasy...

I have a few dozen holsters that I don’t use for a variety of reasons.  They didn’t fit my body, I didn’t like them, I don’t have that gun anymore, they don’t match my carry style…  Some of them I take to classes to demonstrate or illustrate different types of holsters and to let students try them.

Then there are the rest of them.  They are expensive so they are sitting in a big bag. Who throws away holsters? Hence, my fantasy…a Giant Swap Meet for Holsters!  Sort of a Trash or Treasures swap. My frog might be your prince. The leftovers could be evenly distributed among instructors to use in classes.
That’s my fantasy…I know, I need a life!  J Only thing I haven’t figure out is how to make it happen!

Safe Shooting!


  1. I can symathize - I think every pistol owner has a bunch of holsters (I literally keep them in a bucket in my closet).

    If you figure out how to do a swap meet, I'm in. :)

  2. Tam and Roberta and Midwest Chick and I are planning a "Tactical Slumber Party" where we have a sleepover before a gun show and stay up late and trade holster recipes and bore cleaning tips and giggle and eat junk food (and maybe talk about boys).

    This site is up on the Smarter than the Average Bear link list. . sorry it took so long.

    1. That sounds like so much fun! Thank you dear lady!

  3. I would come too but Texas is kinda far from Virginia!
