Friday, August 3, 2012

Opinions are like noses...

A reader recently forwarded an article where a prominent author on women's personal defense issues was offering her opinions related to the Colorado tragedy and pending firearms legislation.  She was quoted as supporting banning "assault weapons", as defined in the reference piece that could include anything with a magazine capacity over 10 rounds.  She was also quoted as agreeing with the ban on online ammunition sales.  And, my favorite quote related that she didn't think a 3 year old could pull a trigger if they accidentally found a firearm.

This is someone I  respected, even if I didn't agree with her in all cases.  Now, in my opinion, she has missed the mark.  I know many people who can do a "tactical reload" in the time it takes some folks to pull the trigger once.  I buy ammo on line in bulk to save money.  And..."Assault Weapons" is a bit of a we all know, it isn't the gun that kills it is the person wielding it.  And, a 3 year old probably can pull the trigger on a semi-auto with little trouble.  But she has been pictured with a revolver which many adults have trouble pulling the trigger on.

To use the tragedy in Colorado to promote political views is unfair to the victims and their families, and to all of us.  Had the patrons in the theater been allowed to lawfully carry concealed firearms, things might have ended differently.  But they were banned from protecting themselves by the theater's policy.

We all have opinions.  We are all entitiled to share, however, when one is quoted as an "expert" the burden is higher to be non-political and ethical.

Be safe!


  1. I agree 100% - though I think that we ALL, expert or no, have a duty to hold ourselves to a higher standard. As I wrote on my blog, I've found the gun community overall to be full of welcoming, kind, generous, genuine people, and I've been quite awed and humbled by how readily I'm accepted there and by how willing people are to go out of their way to help me learn and grow - as a shooter and as a person. However, this is not the stereotype the rest of the world thinks about when they imagine "gun people", and I think we have a responsibility as much as possible to present that good side of shooting and gun folks to counter the prejudices. Like it or not, once anti-gun folks know we shoot, they ARE scrutinizing us more closely. We have a duty, I think, to live and act in ways that withstands the scrutiny.

    1. I agree with you. I have described the gun community as a big, mostly functional, and very welcoming family. I'm very cautious to let people know I shoot, and teach shooting. Luckily, most people are accepting and I've found a lot of students be admitting that I shoot.

      Thank you for commenting. Be Safe

  2. I really enjoyed this article on the misinformation spreading like wildfire

    I've had a few friendly and some friend-weeding debates myself here in Colorado.

    1. excellent article! I will post a link on FaceBook on Women Firearms Instructors...Thank you for sharing!

  3. I too have found the majority of people who shoot are friendly & helpful.
    It is, in my opinion, the media that portrays the minuscule segment of irresponsible members of the shooting society as the majority. Stereotypes are born and perpetuated through the media. Negative news sells, good news doesn't.

    A well written article! Keep up the good work!
