Sunday, October 14, 2012

Progress on the Book!!

I got the first edits from the publisher and finished making the requested updates.  Not much, and frankly her suggestions were improvements.  I was so nervous waiting for the edits!  Years ago I heard a relatively new author speak and he said that "having some edit your book was like watching them tattoo your baby".  That was Tom Clancy. 

I feel like I'm one step closer to being able to see it in print and am so excited.  I can't wait to be able to share the cover and release information with all of you.  Most of you won't need it, as it is focused on new shooters, but maybe you will know someone who can.  :-)

Thanks for the words of encouragement, many of you have been sharing this journey with me and I'm grateful for the support!!


  1. That is great news Lynne! I am very excited for you! :D

  2. I have been following your blogs for some time now (and continue to follow them), and I am glad to see your thoughts will appear in book form. I think your views are well-thought, done in good taste, informative and easy to read. To post additions to your blog regularly and with fresh ideas, as you note, is a challenge. Keep it up. They are read and followed. All the best!

    1. Thank you so much. That means a lot and I appreciate you taking the time to write.
