Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Closing in on 25,000!

Wow, you all have been so supportive!  Thank you!!  To show my appreciation if you leave a comment on this post, I will randomly select a winner of a gift certificate to Gun Goddess when I get to 25,000!

Thank you and be safe!!


  1. Congratulations to you! Bravo Zulu!

  2. Way to go girl. I'm new to blogging. Just trying to learn who is out there and your site keeps coming up wherever I go. Thanks for all your help and information. zinger3006, aka Tom

    1. Thank you for reading! Without all the great support, none of this would have been possible.

  3. Congrats! I love reading your posts and always learn something or come away with something to think about.

  4. Congrats on the views. I love reading your blog!

  5. Dang! 25K - that's a lot. But you're there because you have great content and are personable.

  6. Bravo on "Closing in on 25,0000!"

    In case you're curious, I found you because I discovered "The Shooting Divas of DMV" when I was on Eyal Yanilov's Krav Maga website recently... Interesting how good women find each other. I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know you - and your readers - better.

    1. Tina, you are my winner! Email me at Lynne@InnovativeDefensiveSolutions.com and I will arrange a gift certificate to Gun Goddess for you! Thank you for the Comment!

  7. Many Congrats on your milestone! I always enjoy your blog...you inspire me to push myself!
