Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Take On Gun Safety

Gun safety is crucial.  You always want to know your target and what is beyond it, triple check to be sure they are unloaded before you clean them, keep you finger off the trigger until ready to know the basics.

Now, I have one more to add.  When you are taking a cleared and safe rifle out of it's case and moving it to the security cabinet...wear shoes.  Yep, I dropped a Henry .22 lever action on my foot.

I broke the second toe in 2 places, left a nice big gash at the base of the toe...and now, I will be in a surgical shoe for at least the next few weeks.  If you are going to Shot Show you will get to see me hobbling around in a sneaker and a surgical shoe. 

I wasn't going to fess up, but I decided others can learn from my accident.  And, hey, at least I didn't "shoot myself in the foot".  :-)

And no, there was no alcohol involved. 

I hope you all had a safe NYE, and wish you all a wonderful 2013!

My Husband is a McGyver when it comes to securing an ice pack...


  1. Bless your heart! And did they ask you at the hospital what you dropped on it? And did you tell them? LOL! You know how dangerous those firearms can be - even when they are unloaded, they can attack and cause all kinds of pain ;) Get well soon, my dear, and don't overdo it at SHOT!

    1. LOL, I had to tell them, a heavy object wasn't descriptive enough. They took it pretty well, though.

  2. Owie... Good point Lady! Hope it heals quickly!
