Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Big plans for the weekend!

You may know that I’ve begun writing magazine articles, in addition to the book and blog…I have written two for Combat Handgun so far, the first of which is scheduled for August publication.  Well, I just finished drafting an article on range drills, ways to practice.  But, I need photos.  I posted a notice on my Facebook page (Women Firearms Instructors) and 5 lovely ladies volunteered to come to Fairfax Va Sunday evening and participate in a Ladies Fun Shoot/Photo session.  I’m excited.  I will get to meet some of the women who read and participate in the blog and FB page and it will be fun to have a share tips, tricks and guns!  What could be better?  I’ll be posting a few photos and some highlights after the shoot (pun intended).  I can’t wait!


  1. Wish I was closer, sounds like fun!

    1. I think it will be. But this just means I have to go west and do another one!

  2. That's wonderful! I'm looking forward to reading all about it.
