Sunday, May 19, 2013

so many changes!

Those who follow this blog know that I prefer tips and tricks, except around this time of year when I'm so busy with NTYDTTRD that I can barely think.  If only it were just that,

I ended my long time association with IDS, a very difficult decision.
I've decided to focus on training women who are new to shooting, male instructors on how to teach women, developing a seminar around the book, and writing.  Taking Your First Shot landed in the warehouse last week so I should get my copies this week.   It will be pretty exciting to see it and hold it.

I'm going to be teaching under the name Female and Armed and am diligently working on a website.  I'm also taking Women Firearms Instructors to the next level by adding them to the website.  I will list exceptional women in different regions as well as promote the seminar for men giving them a change to earn the WFI Seal of Approval.  Hopefully that will become a recognized icon for women to know that the instructor took additional training in teaching women and providing a positive experience. 

My second book, the Security Handbook is about 40% written.  If should be released fall of 2014.  It will be chock full of advice and tips for all kinds of situations, but not specifically looking toward an armed life.

Sometimes that fork in the road is really big and a little scary, but I know, with support of friends like you, I will make this transition and get moving.

Only a few days more to order the book at the reduced price, then if goes up to full price.  Even though it is aimed toward a new shooter, old hands might find something they like.

Safe Shooting.  thank you for your support!!

1 comment:

  1. So now that the book's in the warehouse, I can post an official review on my blog this week?

    I've been sitting on it until closer to the official release date.

    I'm super excited for your new path in life.
