Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Social Experiments and Firearms

There seems to be a trend, or I’m just more aware, of people using firearms to push their social agendas under the guise of social experiments. 
Look at the, thankfully canceled, armed march on Washington DC planned by internet activist Adam Kokesh for July 4th?  He wanted to walk into Washington DC, on July 4th (notably one of the busiest days of the year in the city) with he and his “followers” carrying loaded rifles “slung over their shoulders”.  IMHO a recipe for disaster, not to mention arrest.
Now, blogger Heidi Yewman, at Ms. Magazine’s blog is documenting her “Month with a Gun”.  She writes that she is in compliance with the laws of her state, and is open carrying a Glock 9mm.  She also admits to not having received any training, indicates no intent to do so, but is prepared to use her gun to defend herself and others.  Frankly, she’d be better off replacing the gun with a hammer, at least, presumably, she knows how to use that without unintentionally hurting an innocent. 
How many more examples of this type of thinking are out there and I haven’t stumbled on them yet? 
IMHO this type of behavior makes a mockery of our right to bear arms, and our responsibility to do so safely, with education and wisdom. 
Safe Shooting!


  1. I saw that thing about Heidi Yewman. I also noticed that the comments are moderated, none of my comments were approved, I'm assuming only ones that support her cause are being approved.

    Most my comments were about if happened to shoot someone that she wasn't above the law just because it was an experiment.

    But then I started researching her and came to realize she's not what she's really claiming on that post and trust me when I called her out on it, stating I knew they wouldn't approve the comment but I would appreciate an email explaining their sick logic (no I didn't use those words to them) for trying to push for stricter gun laws.

    1. Oops, that came out wrong, using such a sick and dangerous stunt to push for stricter gun laws, that I felt there were safer ways to go about pushing their cause.

      I am curious though if she actually carries the gun loaded, she made no mention of buying ammunition that I recall.

    2. she does write that she will be prepared to use the gun to defend herself, I can only hope that it is as a blunt object, but I believe there was a line in the post about sitting in Starbucks (Thank you Starbucks!!) with a loaded gun on her hip in reach of children.

  2. Oh, Is She, I would love to hear if she responds to you.

    Lynne, the whole thing has me shaking my head. She's flat-out dangerous with that gun and she's making it a whole lot harder for women to be taken seriously as shooters. She's getting a lot of press - a lot more than we serious shooters do - and that will help form public opinion.

    1. It is scary what some people will do, but you make a good point, it makes it hard to take the rest of us seriously because we are not out there being stupid.

  3. We needed the march.....I was sad to see it canceled. If we dont start using our guns to defend our freedom in the end we will have neither....we need to be pushing for more gun rights and less restrictions. A armed march could only end 2 ways a bloodbath or a peaceful walk to Virginia. Either one wold have been a positive...the first would have a lot more martyrs but would have forced the government to show its willingness to kill citizens and suppress the peoples rightsor the second would force the government to stand down and show strength in numbers and bring about more armed protests.

    1. Joshua, wow...where can I start? Obviously, I disagree. Deliberately flouting the law is not the way to bring about change. Armed protests are a very dangerous thing, one person takes a shot and that forces the police to respond, not because they want to but because that is their responsibility. That isn't government showing a willingness that is defending themselves.

      You need only look to Heller vs DC and the supreme court cases to see that you can fight, peacefully, and win. I really hope that you stay safe.

  4. I have an award for you...come and get it :)

