Monday, July 22, 2013

Moving Forward

Several are blaming me for the actions of many in recent days.  Seems I touched off a bit of a crap storm by posting on a public FB page about a local business and what I considered an inappropriate and unprofessional action.  I got a lot of support, from men and women, and I’m grateful.  It is unfortunate that some are spinning like tops to lay the blame at my feet while disavowing any responsibility or bad acts.  Unfortunate, but not surprising.  Responsibility for your actions seems to be a concept that some Gen Y’ers have difficulty with.

Thank you to those who looked at the facts and offered me words of support.

Shame on you to those who offered only condemnation and accusation without bothering to uncover what happened.

As for me, I am moving on, and not allowing this to be a distraction in my mission or business.  I will continue to pursue a just end to this situation, but I will keep it as low key as possible.  When it is resolved, I will let you know.  There are so many positives on the horizon that I can’t let myself get weighed down by people with negative agendas.

Now, bigger and better.  The second book is quickly coming to a close, I have a few more chapters to complete and then a re-read / edit and off to the publisher.  I am pursuing a concept for a third book, more on that when the details are in place. 

National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day received it’s first inquiry for a 2014 event and I predict an awesome year for us.  We have so many changes coming, new name, new logo, new website, new volunteer positions, and a whole month of activities! 

If you haven’t done so, pop over to and check out the blog.  They have several guest bloggers, including me, and there is lots of interesting commentary to be found. 

I will be at Books a Million in Potomac Mills, Woodbridge VA, this Saturday from noon to 4:00 pm doing a signing.  I will be at the Shooting For Women Alliance National Conference in Tennessee in Oct, can’t wait!  It looks like a great time.  Visit for more information. 

I think we finally have the question with the new Remora Micro Clip holster figured out, I had the wrong size, which is why you haven’t seen a review yet.  I’ve talked to them and a new one is en-route.  Can’t wait to share my thoughts!

Safe Shooting!

1 comment:

  1. An interesting concept, "take your daughters to the range day". We never needed an excuse to go to the range. Both of my daughters were trained by me personally. I started them on my Winchester 94/22 and then up to the .30 M-1 carbine. From there I gave them safety instruction on handguns... my Supermatic Citation got quite the workout. By the time they were 17 they were shooting my S&W Mod. 19 6" with full loads up at the upstate range near our old summer retreat. My youngest is married to an NYPD officer and expects him to take her to the range when they can find babysitters for the 2 girls. Nope, didn't need no National Day to take my girls or boys to the range. It was a family event.
