Monday, July 8, 2013

What's up with me?

I try not to write too much about what is happening with me, mostly because I think you would be bored and much rather read tips, hints, reviews and the occasional political commentary. 

However, there is so much on the horizon that I want to share!

First, the reviews of the book have been awesome, Thank You So Much! 

I’m attending a Shooting For Women Alliance Conference in Oct, in Tennessee, and really looking forward to a great time!

Shot Show is in Jan, back to Las Vegas!  Woo-Hoo!  I think I will plan better this time and maybe try to catch a show.

I’m planning to go to A Girl and a Gun Shooting League’s Conference in Texas in the spring, that should be amazing!!

I’ve been ramping up my new company, Female and Armed, offering training in the Northern Virginia area.  That has been an interesting challenge.  After working for someone else for so long, to find my own venues and schedule classes, set pricing…But, I’m learning, and it allows me to offer more female focused training.

Book two, yep, there is a second one in the works, is coming along great.  It should be out in Aug 2014.  It will address lots of different aspects of personal safety and security.  Topics from how to make you home more secure if you are a renter to travel tips, to traffic stops, to campus security.  All in one volume!  This will once again be from Skyhorse Publishing, who did such an awesome job on Taking Your First Shot, the vibrant colors and weight of the paper, readable font…They are great!

Looking for more political posts?  Pop over to, I’m a regular guest blogger, and the feature, The Gun Whisper, is usually pretty good answers to questions submitted by readers. 

Lots more on the way.

Be Safe and Thank You for the amazing support!!



1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your business. It takes courage to do a start up in these times.
