Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Glock introduces a .380

I guess they are trying to compete with the other pocket pistols.  I haven't seen it yet, but expect to soon.  I really wish they would consider a single stack 9mm.  I love Glock.  But...please!  Another too small to handle well gun?  What the world needs now?

Pocket pistol is a misnomer.  How many stories are there about someone shooting themselves because they carried a mini-gun in a pocket without a holster??  LOTS!

Ok, promise to check it out and provide a more informed opinion.

Happy New Year to all, wishing you safe and prosperous 2014!!


  1. I got to shoot this at Shot Show. SMOOTH! A little bigger than a Ruger LCP, easy on the hand, a little small for my taste, but a nice Glock!
