Monday, August 17, 2015

Concealed Carry Training On-line versus In-Person

Currently 20 states allow you to apply for a Concealed Carry Permit after completion of an on-line safety class and test. Many of these states have reciprocal agreements with other states, which makes the number even larger.

Think about this. No live instructor. No live fire qualification. No question and answer options.

While I do not support suppression of 2nd Amendment Rights, I do support demonstration of competence, safe handling and an understanding of ammunition before allowing someone to carry a concealed firearm.

Most of these on-line classes take less than 90 minutes to complete, plus the test. Can you imagine giving someone a Driver’s License after they watch a video and take a 20 question test? No, they must go through training, practice and demonstrate understanding and proficiency first.

Not all states are so lenient. There are still a few where it is nearly impossible to obtain a Concealed Carry Permit. There are states that require a specific curriculum, that includes as several hours of training and live fire, with minimum scores. Texas has very clearly defined requirements, but they also have reciprocity with states that have very lenient requirements.

For now, it is up to the armed citizen to follow the law in obtaining a permit, seek competent training and practice, practice, practice.




  1. Clearly, online firearms training is no better than book firearms training.

    But I don't see where the 2nd Amendment says that the right to keep and bear arms "shall not be infringed so long as you complete a training program that satisfies your state masters." Seen how that works in NJ? NY? MD? CA? DC?

    I'll grant that a lack of training in combination with concealed carry can lead to some negative consequences.

    But as far as a public policy decision, that decision was made when the 2A was ratified.

    If you want to change that public policy, repeal the 2A, draft something new.

    I am, of course, an advocate of competent, in-person training. I just don't think the right to keep and bear arms is contingent on it.

    No offense. :-)

    --Andrew, @LawSelfDefense

  2. Lynn, I agree with Andrew.

    Requirements as to training before giving a gun owner the right to use their firearm in any method they choose, open or concealed, does infringe on 2A. I don't want to see 2A changed in any way, ever.

    I do; however, feel very strongly that proper training and regular practice should be observed at all times. Regardless of the type of training, and the practices of the gun owners, statistics show the premise of 2A gives us all a safer place to live. Gun free zones are often the opposite as to public safety. I would feel safer if all gun owners had the sense to get some formal training.

    I am an NRA Instructor and NRA Range Safety Officer, and my training is never done.

    1. Never intended to start a 2A debate. Full support, just believe in Responsible gun ownership. Thought I stated that clearly, but guess not. Thank you doe commenting
