Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I Feel a Rant Coming On…

The Politically Correct crowd is run amuck.  There, I wrote it, in plain letters.  I’m so tired of being told I can’t do something because some group will get offended, or I have to learn to express myself differently because another group might be offended.  My thoughts?  GROW A SKIN!  Yes, there are extremes and vernacular that has, rightfully, crept out of our lexicon.  But it is being replaced with so much nonsense! 

 We are a binary people, genetically.  Male and Female.  There is not a 3rd gender.  Some people believe they are Transgendered.  Fine.  That doesn’t not make them a 3rd gender.  They are either Male or Female, be it by birth or by choice, I’m not making that argument, but I still don’t want to share a public restroom or dressing room with a man.  That is my choice.  I was in Target recently, and wanted to try on a blouse.  I generally avoid that as they have taken a very “progressive” stance, but I was distracted and wandered in to the dressing rooms.  All the stalls were labeled “Family”, which I guess is how they get around the gender question.  Well, be true to yourself, but don’t expect me to use made up pronouns.  If I use the wrong one, tell me, and I will do my best to fix it.

I live just outside of DC.  I was across the street from the Pentagon 15 years ago.  I can say “terror attack” with a straight face.  Does that mean I think Muslims are bad?  No!  I think terrorists are bad!  Not all terrorists are Muslim and not all Muslims are terrorists.  Do I want to see my country flooded with refugees?  No, I live in a high risk area (which happens to have some of the strictest gun laws).  And, with employment and economy issues, I don’t want to shoulder the burden of even more people that can’t find work, struggling to assimilate…I am 100% in favor of providing assistance without relocation.  And, since Syria is so much in the news these days, why should the U.S. accept thousands of refugees from the other side of the world when we are already overrun with refugees from Central and South America?  According to a lot of people, this makes me a bad person, someone without a moral compass…or not PC.
BLM.  To me, that is Blue Lives Matter, but not to everyone.  Personally, I think all lives are important.  Regardless of age, race, profession, religion, gender or birth status.  Frankly, there are examples of “wrongs” on all sides of that one. 

The 2nd Amendment.  Can you guess where I fall on that one?  I support national reciprocity for Concealed Carry Permits.  Each state has their own requirements for Driver’s Licenses, and issues them, but all the other states recognize them.  I don’t have to have one for Virginia, one for Maryland, and oh wait, DC won’t give me a license since I don’t live there.  Nope.  There is national reciprocity.  How many times have you seen the statistics about how many hundreds of thousands of permit holders weren’t involved in a crime or mass shooting? 
I’m not a bigot, I’m not a racist, not even a nationalist.  I’m a conservative gun owner who believes that everyone is important, but also that we need to get our country on track before we try to fix the world.

Thank you.  Rant over.  I now return you to your regular scheduled programming. 



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