Saturday, January 14, 2012

Single Gender vice Mixed Gender Classes

Women only classes have become very popular lately.  I’m trying hard to understand the trend.  I understand that some women have had a difficult time in their lives and may find the idea of a women only class comforting.  I also recognize that it is a very personal decision.

Ladies, what you may not realize, a mixed gender class is not necessarily a testosterone fest.  I’m seeing more and more women in our classes, and I’m seeing the respect they get from the men!  It is good for the guys to see you learning, asking and answering questions and building your own skills.  It is also humbling for them in many cases when we get to the range.  The ladies frequently shoot better than the men!  Not quite sure why, but I’ve seen it over and over. 

My opinion, it is more important to find caring, thoughtful and safe instructors than a single gender class.  If you call and talk to an instructor and don’t feel comfortable, keep looking.  Many of us have men and women co-teaching classes.  Most women instructors will be happy to take a few extra minutes to answer questions that are gender unique, like holster and concealed carry issues. 

If you really want to take a single gender class, go for it. They are out there, check your local range or gun store for flyers. It is more important to take formal training in whatever environment is most comfortable for you.
Men, it is good for you to see the ladies learning and realizing their own power.  Many men have told me that they want the women in their lives to be able to defend themselves if needed.  I think this is the ultimate statement of Love.

Safe Shooting!


  1. I don't know about single gender classes, but its really good to have women teaching firearms classes. I'd like my wife to take a class (and she's tacitly agreed) but I know she wouldn't put up with some of the instructors I've had... I mean, I barely took their crap.

    If you come to the blogshoot, I'd like to get your card so I can pass it on.

    1. I teach with Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC.
      It is a great team of instructors, in Northern Virginia.


    2. A bunch of NoVA & DC area gun bloggers get together to go shooting from time to time. The next one is Feb. at the NRA range:
      Unfortunately the Great One, Old NFO, won't be there.

      Thanks for the link to IDS. I'll show it to my wife. I've also added it to the NoVA Guide to Guns.

    3. Thanks! I might actually be able to make that! It is an instructor course day, so I may be able to miss part of the day.

      I appreciate the info and the support!

  2. I have only attended mix gender classes and I have only had male instruction, but I am heading to a class taught by a woman and attended by only women. I will let you know how it goes.

    1. Can't wait to here! I know there is a women's shooting group in your area. I like that idea a lot. Safe Shooting!

  3. I think, for a beginning woman shooter, a single-gender class is less intimidating. I never had the choice, when I was learning. I worked in a male-dominated field, so I couldn't allow men to intimidate me. Having that background made it a lot easier for me to join in on any class that was offered.

    That said, I think that if a new, timid, female shooter takes a class from a male, he'd better be good with women. There are far too many male instructors out there with a macho attitude and won't take the time to explain things fully.

    I see, in my area, a lack of working female instructors, even though my NRA instructors class was mostly women. We've still got the Good Ole Boys club here - there are several outstanding women instructors, but limited classroom/range time available to those women. We would love to teach, but getting into the available places is damn nearly impossible, unless we hook up with an existing male instructor and act as a co-instructor.

    1. Interesting perspective. I got lucky, I get to teach with some great guys, who are caring and patient and good with women. I'm interested in trying a women only class, and we may be offering some soon. Based on the feedback I've been getting I'm curious to see how it differs. I understand, and have seen some of the "macho" types come through an instructor course, but for the most part the men I've met have been awesome.

      Thanks for the comments! I hope you consider team teaching with a guy, maybe you can teach him something!

    2. I have team taught with an amazing instructor in the past and plan on doing it again in the future.

    3. Yeah! We need more dedicated women instructors! Team teaching is great, takes some of the pressure off, gives you a partner to bounce ideas, and help with the brain slips. Good luck finding a great teaching partner!
