Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why do men like to buy us guns?

This is a phenomenon that I haven’t figured out.  Men like to buy guns for the women in their lives.  Ok, that I get.  That part I don’t understand is they either get some huge hand cannon that was secretly on their wish list, or they get something so small that it is extremely difficult to handle. 

We love you for trying, but PLEASE take us shopping with you.  If we are non-shooters, let us go to a First Steps or Basic Pistol Class, get some formal training and a chance to shoot with an instructor, then take us shopping.  You might be surprised by the result.  With a little patience, we may love it!  And, you will have a willing shooting partner for those trips to the range.  Giving us something too big or too small often ends up with no interest in shooting it.  I really don’t think that was the goal. 

Safe Shooting!


  1. I don't think they realize how personal a decision gun buying is. I agree - please take your woman with you :)

  2. Women have their own opinions?

    What an interesting theory...


  3. Why do men like to buy us guns?

    We're hoping for reciprocation! :)

    1. lol good answer andy - now if only my wife would start doing that instead of "borrowing" my guns lol - didn't even have a chance to fill out the 4473 for my m9 before she decided it was hers, so she filled it out lol.

  4. Amen. Anytime I hear a woman say that she owns a 38 special (snub nose, frequently) I say "Your boyfriend/husband bought that for you". I've never been wrong.

    I've bought guns for my wife, she has bought them for me. But the guns I buy for her are the ones she has researched/tried and asked for.

    1. lol my wife ignored my suggestions on her first gun and instead got the .38 LCR - no way that can be blamed on me lol

  5. Great responses! I do have a .38 snubby...not fun to shoot, but I bought it myself because we teach with semi-auto and revolvers, and I felt I needed to learn on a revolvers.

    I'm all for getting a gun as a gift, and understand the reciprocity, but I would like to pick out what feels good to me.

    Thanks all for the great comments, insights and support!

  6. I think that many men buy guns for their girlfriends/wives for the simple reason that they want to do everything in their power to ensure the safety of those they love.

    Now, to the actual gun that gets purchased: We men are idiots.

    1. lol not all of us, but yea a friend of mine's boyfriend finally convinced her to go shooting with him (she decided i needed to be there thank god) and as soon as we get to the firing line he tries to hand her the 686 w/ some seriously hot magnum loads in it....

      um yea i decided i'd shoot those and rented a buckmark for her to learn with - and she got hooked lol

  7. I think that many men buy guns for their girlfriends/wives for the simple reason that they want to do everything in their power to ensure the safety of those they love.

    Now, to the actual gun that gets purchased: We men are idiots.

    1. LMAO! Bless you G30O! Your reply made me think, then made me laugh out loud! Thank you!
