About Me

I am also the author of 4 books, available on Amazon, and at many major outlets. I have been contributing writer for Combat Handgun Magazine and Women and Guns Magazine.

I was an instructor for many years, Recently retired.

Thank you for following along with me as this journey continues.

Safe Shooting!

my books

my books
Thoughts, comments and insights for women who shoot and the men who love us!

Monday, February 6, 2012

I was pleasantly surprised last week when the Gun Divas left a message that she'd given us an award. Hopefully, you'll see this award continue to get passed around, as I plan on doing my share to spread the love.

There are some rules, but they're easy to follow:

1. Copy and paste the award on our blog. (Check)
2. Link back to the blogger who gave us the award. (Check)
3. Pick our five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers, and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award. (In process)
4. Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs.

Here are my picks!
1. A Girl and Her Gun - Awesome lady


If I've listed a blog here that you've never visited, please stop on by their blogs to tell them hello.


  1. You are a sweetie! Thank you! I also got the award from GunDivas last week, so I will refrain from accepting again. Thanks for your list. You have some good choices and a few I have never been to before. Can't wait to visit!

  2. You are awesome, Lynne! Thanks for the honor! I'll work on passing it on today.

  3. Thanks Kiddo, i really need to get some more posts written - just been a little crazy around here lately
