Thursday, August 30, 2012

Getting Political...

For as long as I’ve been writing I’ve posted mostly Tips and Tricks, ideas to improve shooting, show to shop, how to carry, or rare personal milestone updates.  Very recently, in response to a request by Gun Shows Today, where I am a guest blogger, I tackled a politically oriented post calling out the US Attorney General and the administration for their anti-gun positions.  That was a huge step for me.  I’ve enjoyed a lot of anonymity with the anti-gun crowd because I wasn’t controversial.  Now I feel like I’m wearing a target.  No negative feedback yet, but I imagine it will come, especially since there are more posts coming in a similar vein. 
I was talking with a dear lady last night, who is also a strong advocate for gun rights, and she helped me to realize, if we don’t speak up, if we don’t put ourselves out there, we could very well lose our rights and then have only ourselves to blame.
What can you, the average shooter who doesn’t write or speak or advocate do?  Plenty!  First, support the NRA, they are the biggest supporter we have.  Then, talk to friends.  If they don’t shoot, maybe you can take them to the range and show them that this is FUN!  One of the most important things you an do is vote! If we elect people who seek to ban guns, we will lose our guns, our rights and our means to defend ourselves and families.
I may lose some readers, I may gain some readers.  I may find myself in the metaphorical cross-hairs of the anti-gun movement.  But I can sleep at night knowing that I am following my heart and speaking my mind.

Please look for me on Gun Shows Today and let me know if you agree and how you are working to defend the 2nd Amendment.

Safe Shooting!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Assualt Weapon Ban

If you are a regular here you know how rare it is for me to comment on anything political.  I made an exception here;

Personally, I will never think of my gun as a weapon.  I define a weapon as an offensive tool, be it a pen, a knife, a bat, a trowel (I was once threatened by a landscaper with a trowel), or a gun.  My gun will never be used as an offensive tool, only as a defensive tool, or for sport such as target shooting or training.  Therefore, I do not think of my gun as a weapon.

We need to define our terms, both according to a standard, like Websters, and by our own standard. 

Be careful how you refer to your firearms and take opportunities to encourage friends who are anti-gun to examine why they feel that way.  Who knows, you might change their mind.

Safe Shooting!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Stance - for the Self Defense Shooter, in practice and life

How you stand when you shoot can make a huge difference in accuracy, comfort, stability…fun.

If you already shoot in the isosceles position, great, if not, consider trying it. When startled you automatically turn toward what startled you, the hands come up, you might go into a slight crouch…these are reflex motions, and we all do them. Iso works well with these natural responses.
Feet about shoulder width apart, knees relaxed, weight forward on the balls of your feet, arms extended in a triangle but brining the gun up to the slight line while your head is tucked down into the triangle slightly. Bend forward slightly at the waist.

From here you can use your sights, or point shoot. You can absorb the recoil and maintain a stable platform.

Don’t be shy, think aggressive, think Grrrrrrrr. This is, after all, about self defense. 

(This is Evan, my instructor and President of Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC)

Safe Shooting


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Changes to the Blog Format

Based on recent comments, I have changed the admin section to require an id and block anonymous posts.  I encourage polite discourse, differing opinions and insights, but I ask that you be respectful of others.  I am less concerned about responses to what I write than to a guest blogger or someone elses comment.  Please continue to comment, if you would like to be a guest blogger please let me know. 

I appreciate your cooperation, and sincerely hope no ones feelings were hurt by some of the recent comments.

Lastly, my primary demographic is women, however, I have many men reading this as some for the thoughts and advice transcend gender.  I welcome all readers to participate in open discussions.

Safe Shooting

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Writing is Work!

When I started this last November I never dreamed I would meet so many new friends, so many interesting people and learn so much. I try to post several times a week and it can be work coming up with ideas, but when I am really stumped seems to be when someone sends me a question, posts a comment of Women Firearms Instructors Face Book page, or a student says something and I get inspired and start writing. I’m now a guest blogger on They have exclusive content, so pop over and check out my posts, and those from others. There is some good information there.

Also, consider following me on Twitter @FemaleandArmed. That is more my off beat humor since it is so few characters, but you might get a chuckle. One example from last week is “It’s 9:00, DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR OWNERS MANUAL IS?”.
I also tweet for National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day. For those who have been following us with that…I’m so very excited. We had an amazing time Jun 9, and so did 30+ ranges across the country. The response was phenomenal. I’m getting lots of inquiries and one official registration so far for next year. We are hoping to have at least 100 ranges participating. We already have support from two sponsors, but of course, we need a lot more. Everything helps, $5, $10, $5,000…J If you can help, please go to and click on the Donate button to use PayPal or you can contact me and I’ll send you an address.

For those who know, and those who didn’t, I finished the draft of my book and it is at the publisher with the editor. The working title is Taking the First Shot and is a woman’s introduction to pistol shooting, from how to find an instructor to how to dress for the first trip to the range, and much more. There is a pretty extensive glossary of “Gun Speak” and a chapter on Unarmed personal defense. It is full of the same off beat humor you find here. That was my agreement with the publisher. I didn’t want it to be scary, gloomy or dark. There are so few books on the topic for women that I have enjoyed (Kathy Jackson’s The Cornered Cat being the exception – I LOVED IT) that I wanted this book to be something I would like to read, not something that would make me afraid to leave the house. It is scheduled for a Spring release, I will keep you posted!

Safe Shooting!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gun Speak

I took a communications class this week, and one of the topics was terminology and acronyms. It occurred to me that when I started shooting seriously, I had to ask a lot of questions. So many terms to learn! As we become more comfortable with the sport, we tend to lapse into gun speak, but imagine your non-shooting friends trying to understand the following statements;

·         I took my .45 1911 and did chase the rabbit.

·         My AR-15 eats .223.

·         I have a 17 a 19 and a 16, all 9s.

·         I got a new SA/DA.

·         My friend took his .40 to IDPA last weekend.

Odds are you understood those. But just imagine a newbie?  The interpretations could be quite interesting. When I teach students who are new to shooting, I am careful to explain terms and acronyms. When we are talking to non-shooters, or around non or new shooters, let’s remember to explain terms so they are included, not left out. Make them welcome in the conversation and maybe they will be more comfortable taking the next step and taking that first shot?

Safe Shooting.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Home Firearms Safety Instructor Class

I took this class last weekend.  I admit, I thought it would be easy after teaching First Steps and other classes, but … I was surprised!  It was a lot more complex than I expected!  We, the instructor candidates, aka students, had to be able to handle, unload and show safe a wide variety of firearms.  Not just the semi-autos and revolvers I was used to, but different rifles and shotguns and black power?.  I had never handled a shotgun, and knew nothing about black powder, so these were completely new me.

Every time I take a class, or even teach a class, I learn something.  This was no exception.  It was a little intimidating to take an instructor class from the person I teach for, but he’s fair and I can take some good natured teasing. 

If you have firearms in the home, for any reason, and have family members who don’t shoot, and don’t want to shoot, PLEASE consider a Home Firearms Safety class for them.  There is no shooting, no learning to shoot.  It focuses on being able to make any firearm you stumble across safe, as well as some basics on storage and cleaning.  But my biggest takeaway was Making a Firearm Safe.  Who knows, it might make them more comfortable and take away some of the nerves and eventually they will want to shoot.  But even if not, knowing what to do when you find a gun can make a huge difference in your safety and the safety of those around you. 

Be Safe.  If you don’t know, don’t touch and find someone to help.

Monday, August 20, 2012

My Fantasy...

I have a few dozen holsters that I don’t use for a variety of reasons.  They didn’t fit my body, I didn’t like them, I don’t have that gun anymore, they don’t match my carry style…  Some of them I take to classes to demonstrate or illustrate different types of holsters and to let students try them.

Then there are the rest of them.  They are expensive so they are sitting in a big bag. Who throws away holsters? Hence, my fantasy…a Giant Swap Meet for Holsters!  Sort of a Trash or Treasures swap. My frog might be your prince. The leftovers could be evenly distributed among instructors to use in classes.
That’s my fantasy…I know, I need a life!  J Only thing I haven’t figure out is how to make it happen!

Safe Shooting!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Most Important Document You Might Never Read

This document could save you money, frustration and maybe even your life but at least half of you will never read it. What is it? Your Firearms Owner’s Manual!

Think about it. What one resource can tell you how to field strip your gun, how to clean it, how much lubricant to use and where, where not to use lubricant and why? Any preferred ammunition? Confirm caliber and power of acceptable rounds. What the recommended major maintenance schedule is. How to contact the manufacturer if you need help. Offer safety tips. Tell you how the de-cocker works (if you have one). Tell you if you can shoot your gun in Single Action mode (like my revolver, some can and some can’t).

Where else can you find all of that in one place? How many of you have never looked under the foam to find the owner’s manual? Yep, there should be one. If you bought your gun used, and it was missing the manual, you can usually download a copy from the manufacturer’s website.

This document could save your life, or at least your pride. Is your .38 revolver built to shoot .357s without damage? Can your 9mm handle +P+ ammunition without blowing up? Can you shoot your gun fairly dry or does it need lots of lubrication? All good things to know before you try them. Don’t assume that just because one gun works a particular way, the next one will too, even if they are similar. Be sure, be knowledgeable and be safe!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Unabashed Bragging

Am I lucky or what?  I work for one of the best firearms training companies in the country.  Ok, personal opinion, but if you check their reviews, a lot of people agree with me.  Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC is the baby of Evan Carson.  What he lacks in age he makes up in skills.  Evan is young but he has a lot of experience and some very impressive credentials and the ability to be a patient instructor. 

He has a cadre of adjunct instructors who have some very impressive credentials as well, many of whom work in shooting or security related fields in their day jobs.  What they share is a passion for shooting, a diligent focus on Safety and a sincere love of what they do. 

I give Evan a lot of credit.  I took his Pistol Instructor course and then became an instructor for him.  I appreciated what I was able to, and continue to, learn from him, and he unearthed my passion for teaching.   A lot has happened since the first encounter.  I’ve become successful in many ways that I would probably not have if not for the encouragement.

If you are in the Northern Virginia area, check out Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC, there is a wide range of courses offered, including the recently introduced Combat Focus Shooting developed by Rob Pincus.  Evan is one of a handful of instructors across the country certified to teach this program.

The number one emphasis is SAFETY and the number two is FUN!  We have a good time in our classes, so think about coming to a class!

Safe Shooting

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

blog update

If you enjoy what you see here, please check back to  I just found out that I need to provide exclusive content, as they can't duplicate what is here.  So...Extra Writing!  Actually, I love writing so that is not a bad thing.  Also, they are a great source for information on gun laws by state, so stop by and check them out!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day 2013

NTYDTTRD is Underway!
We are planning, registering, answering questions, recruiting sponsors…
If you haven’t seen then, here are a few photos from events in June.  Look at those smiles!!!

We are in serious need of support, if you can help, please visit our website at and click on the donate button or contact me for an address for a check or donation in kind. 

We really appreciate everyone’s support and are excited about Jun 15, 2013! 

Thank you all!!

I'm now a Guest Blogger!

Great source for gun law information as well as other things, plus...blogs!

Stop by and say HI!

BTW, I'm also on twitter now, FemaleandArmed.  I would appreciate it is you would be a follower.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement.  None of this would be happening without you!


Monday, August 13, 2012


We all have them; bags, scarves, jewelry…what about your personal protection accessories? 

Let’s start with the most basic…a flashlight. How can you make sure you always have one when you need it? If you have upgraded your cell phone in the last couple of years, look for the Flashlight App for Android or I-Phone. I carry a flashlight but now I  have one on my phone! It even has varying brightness.  Great if I get caught in a dark area and need to be able to see!

I recently bought a personal alarm from Amazon. It is a small box (with a built in flashlight – notice a theme here?) and a short lanyard strap. In an emergency, you pull the pin attached to the lanyard and throw the alarm away from you while it makes a piercing siren-like noise! Do I really think it will attract attention in an age where no one blinks when a car alarm goes off? Yes! First, it is louder than the average car alarm, and it sounds more like my home alarm system than a car alarm. If you heard that, wouldn’t you look? The strap can fit around your wrist, loop on your purse, though a belt loop… I advocate tossing the alarm away from you because to silence it you re-insert the pin. If the pin is attached to me, I want the alarm far enough away to make the aggressor have to choose. The alarm or me?

Have you made copies of all of your ID, front and back? Is it stored in a secure location? What if you lost your wallet?  I don’t carry a wallet anymore. If I get mugged, I have a little kiss lock purse with my cash. I figure he, or she, is more interested in my money than me, and if I can toss the cash one direction and run the other…I have a chance.  But, if I lost my whole purse, at least I have copies of the cards (that I carry in a card case) stashed in my gun safe. 

Yes, I carry a gun most everywhere I go. However, I have to meet a threat with a like response, and a gun isn’t always the answer.  I have options. Some more serious than others. I can scream, loudly. But, I probably wouldn’t just scream, I would scream “STRANGER”. We used to teach our kids to yell Stranger if they were approached.  Why not an adult? I can bark orders like a drill instructor and tell someone to stay back. Of course, I practice that alone in my car. Yes, I get strange looks at the stop lights, but…so what?  I need to know how to call on the voice when I need it.

I carry a whistle on my keychain. Recently in a class I asked the ladies how long it took them to find their keys.  I pulled my purse out from under a table and they all said, “You Win!” I had a fairly large Dooney and Bourke satchel. But, I found my keys in about 1.5 seconds because there were attached to the convenient little strap that D&B has inside the bag. In a parking lot, 1.5 seconds it too long. The keys should be in my hand before I leave the store or my house or my car. My car has a keyless start (it has a pushbutton based on the remote being within sensor range) so I have to remind myself to have the keys out. 

Anything can be used to defend yourself with a little creativity. I know it is a waste of good Starbucks, but throw your coffee in his face (hint-loosen the lid first). Send a shopping cart flying at his legs.  Take off the great looking stiletto (both of them actually, makes it easier to run) and aim for the face or eye.  Would you want to keep coming if a shrieking, stiletto-wielding woman was focused on you? 

Do what you need to do to protect you and your family, get to safety and then … CALL THE POLICE! Do not wait. He could be out there trolling for an easier target, or he could be calling to report a crazy lady threatening him with a shoe!  Get your side out first.

Then, go home, and be grateful you are safe!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shopping Cart

How many of us put our purse in the kiddie seat of the shopping cart?  Me, too.  Have you ever thought how easy a snatch and run would be for a thief?

I thought about it and this is what I came up with.  I have several purses with clip on shoulder straps.  I un-hook one end, loop it through the handle of the cart and re-hook to the purse.  It may not stop a determined thief, but it will slow him down and draw attention.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Purse Carry

I've been reading more about women wanting to carry in a purse lately.  I understand, you don't have to make changes to your style of dress, it is easy...Carrying a gun isn't easy.  It requires thought, commitment and personal responsibility.  Once in a while, I will carry in a purse.  Let me clarify, I will use a carry purse, designed specifically to carry my gun in a separate compartment with an attached holster.  Usually going to a Dr appointment, they can get a little freaked mid exam if they stumble on the gun.

However, if you carry off body, you are increasing the risks.  Have you practiced drawing from the purse?  Can't do that at the range.  Have you learned to always carry it so you can access the gun quickly?  You can't switch shoulders.  What about putting it down?  The purse must be in your control at all times to protect you and those around you.  You can't hang in on the back of a chair, toss it on the car seat next to you (without being sure you know which way the gun is pointing). 

It is a lot of responsibility, and a lot of risk.  You might fight harder for your purse if someone tried to snatch it while your gun was in it.  That could put you at more risk. 

However you choose to carry, be smart, be aware and be safe!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day Year Two!

We have kicked off the planning and registration for Jun 15, 2013!  How exciting.  We are hoping to have at least 100 ranges participating next year. 

Get the word out to your local ranges and Gun Clubs.  100% of the clubs who hosted last year, and responded to our post event survey, said they wanted to do it again, they had so much fun!

It is also a great way to pull in new customers or members! 

I'm never good at asking for money but our coffers are low and we are in serious need of support.  If you can help at all, everything is appreciated.  Please visit the website at and click on the Donate button to use PayPal or contact me about mailing a check.  We really appreciate every one's support last year, and this year we hope to get more corporate sponsors to help us defray costs at the National level and provide support to the hosting ranges.

Remember our founding principals for the event are Safety and Fun!  We really believe is we can teach kids safety at an early age, and take they mystique out of guns, it will go a long way to preventing tragic accidents.  Plus, shooting is FUN and it is a great opportunity for families to have fun together!

Safe Shooting

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What the World Needs Now...

More caring, passionate, dedicated Women Firearms Instructors.  There are relatively few of us.  Many women feel more comfortable learning from a woman.  We generally have a different style or manner.  I’ve worked with some amazing men, patient, talented, smart and funny.  But not all women have been so fortunate.  Or, they have a fear of the unknown and are just more comfortable learning from a woman.

Women’s classes and programs are getting easier to find, but…we need more!  I usually team teach with a man.  The women often tell me how relieved they were to walk in to the class and see me. 

What do you need to be an instructor?  Some basic shooting skills, a willingness to learn and keep learning.  You never want to stop learning, from other instructors, from your students, on your own…Dip your toes in by taking the NRA Pistol Instructor course and then looking for someone to team up with.  Maybe someone who is already established to take some of the stress of and you can gradually build your teaching skills and your comfort. 

Most import?  Be passionate about shooting and helping others learn to shoot.  You can always learn the skills, the techniques and the public speaking, but you need to love what you are doing.  The students can tell.  If you genuinely love it, odds are they will to.  If you are bored and not having fun, they won’t have fun either.

Practice, read, research, talk with other women shooters…be prepared for the questions that are gender specific, like what do you think of the Bra Holster.  If you haven’t tried it, how do you answer that?  Be careful not to just give your opinion, but to explain why.  If you love a particular product, tell them why you love it as opposed to something similar.  If you really don’t like something, be prepared to explain why not.

I am a convert, I really like Glocks.  Why?  The only time a Glock has ever had a malfunction on me I was shooting it upside down.  It takes every brand of ammo I have given it.  It is so easy to break down and clean, and they have a reputation for being reliable.  I also like Ruger, Smith and Wesson, and Browning, but none of them have performed like my Glocks have. 

I love Remora holsters for carry in a skirt or a dress, and dressy slacks.  Why?  They are like pocket holsters, but the outer fabric clings to my skin so it takes very little retention to keep it in place.  I was skeptical when I saw it, but I tried it and now I love them!  They are also the only company I have found currently making a thigh holster.  The band is long enough to circle my thigh (which is pretty close to my 18 year old waist measurement) and once I got used to it…it was easy to access, didn’t slip, secured my firearm…what more can you ask from a holster?  Sure, I carry a big hybrid holster when I carry a full size gun, but when I need to scale down because of my attire, I like something that conceals well, and works. 

Bottom line…if you love shooting, think about sharing your passion.  The rewards may not come in dollars, although there is some of that, but more often in the smiles, the thank yous and watching someone take their very first shot and realizing they can do this!

Safe Shooting!

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Woman's Right to Choose

Do you choose to be a victim? Sometimes someone selects you and attempts to “cull you from the heard”. Did you volunteer to be a victim? Probably not, but more often than not something told the mugger, rapist, murder that you were the one.

How do others see you? Do you walk with your head down? Do you avoid eye contact with people passing by? Are you blissfully swaying to your tunes or frantically texting as you are walking down the sidewalk? Are you juggling bags, purse, keys, phone and children making your way through a parking lot?


Is your head up, alert, looking around? Are you keys out and ready? Are you looking directly at the people around you, casually scanning 360 degrees so you know who is close to you?  If they are close enough for you to see their eyes clearly they are close enough to get to you, probably faster than you can react if you are not prepared.

To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy, you might be a victim if;

·         You tolerate small incursions into your personal space without comment.

·         You watch the ground when you are walking.

·         You wait until you get to your car to get your keys out.

·         You have no awareness of who is around you.

·         You go through your day assuming all if fine, nothing will happen because you are a good person.

·         You think it is rude to ask someone to step back when they crowd you in a line or at the ATM.

It is your right to tell a stranger to take a step back, to meet the eyes of those around you, to stand tall, be strong and alert, to protect yourself and your family, to walk with a presence.

Only you can choose to be a victim. Stand tall, do everything to reduce the odds that you will be selected.

Stay Strong, Stay Safe

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Learning to wear a gun is like learning to wear a bra…(Revisited)

Note:  this post originally appeared last year.   This type of question comes up so often in classes that it seemed a good time to bring it back.

Remember when you were first learning to wear a bra? It was uncomfortable, constricting, the straps kept slipping, the band irritated…I remember thinking I was never going to get used to this thing! Well, I did, and now feel strange without one (of course that could be aggravated by ample proportions and the effects of gravity). 

Learning to be comfortable with your carry gun is the same way. At first, it digs in, you bump into it, you feel like it is sticking out at least a foot and that everyone is staring at the lump under your clothes wondering if you have some kind of growth. Then, one day, you are wearing your carry gun and…you barely notice it! It has become, maybe not comfortable, but you have become used to it. Just like a bra, you barely notice it is there and find you miss it when it isn’t there. You come to realize that if people are staring it is because you are fabulous, not because you are armed. The lump, if noted at all, is assumed to be a cell phone or keys.

Like everything else, it takes time to become comfortable, so be patient. Of course, you have shopped carefully for a holster designed to fit your gun, and know that you have a secure fit and easy access. So, relax, and wear your gun in safety and ease.
Update:  There are so many holster options, and as women, it can be difficult to carry the same way all the time.  I've learned to generally be happy with one of two ways.  One I can practice and the range and one I have to practice at home.  When possible, about 80% of the time, I carry inside the waist band.  It used to be strong side hip, right in line with the seam.  Over time I've shifted forward slightly, not quite appendix but between the two.  I find that I print less (I carry a full size gun) and with a bad shoulder, it is easier to reach the firearm.  My second preference is thigh.  Sometimes I want to wear a dress that doesn't give me many options.  A Remora thigh holster took care of that for me.  I am right handed and wear it high on my left leg, gun to the inside so I can access it easily.  While it is reasonably comfortable, it is not something I'm likely to forget is there, but that is ok because I don't want to do the body pat looking for my gun because I'm carrying too many different ways.  Ideally we find one way and stick to it, but fashion may dictate an occassional change up.  Just be sure you have practiced with your carry mode, now your limitations and how you will access your firearm in a hurry.
Safe Shooting!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Opinions are like noses...

A reader recently forwarded an article where a prominent author on women's personal defense issues was offering her opinions related to the Colorado tragedy and pending firearms legislation.  She was quoted as supporting banning "assault weapons", as defined in the reference piece that could include anything with a magazine capacity over 10 rounds.  She was also quoted as agreeing with the ban on online ammunition sales.  And, my favorite quote related that she didn't think a 3 year old could pull a trigger if they accidentally found a firearm.

This is someone I  respected, even if I didn't agree with her in all cases.  Now, in my opinion, she has missed the mark.  I know many people who can do a "tactical reload" in the time it takes some folks to pull the trigger once.  I buy ammo on line in bulk to save money.  And..."Assault Weapons" is a bit of a we all know, it isn't the gun that kills it is the person wielding it.  And, a 3 year old probably can pull the trigger on a semi-auto with little trouble.  But she has been pictured with a revolver which many adults have trouble pulling the trigger on.

To use the tragedy in Colorado to promote political views is unfair to the victims and their families, and to all of us.  Had the patrons in the theater been allowed to lawfully carry concealed firearms, things might have ended differently.  But they were banned from protecting themselves by the theater's policy.

We all have opinions.  We are all entitiled to share, however, when one is quoted as an "expert" the burden is higher to be non-political and ethical.

Be safe!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why shouldn’t I have a tiny gun?

I get questions along that line a lot.  I want to carry but I don’t want to change my style so I need something really small.  Well, ok, but have you shot one of the really small guns yet?  No, want to try one of mine?  Then, the response is usually where was the Glock 19 you showed me?

Tiny guns are convenient, maybe even a little cute.  What they are not is easy for beginners.  If you are a new shooter and you think you want something small, before you open your wallet, try one.  The lighter the gun, the more difficult it usually is to control.  And there are a plethora of small polymer frame guns on the market.  Most of my shoes weigh more than these guns.  They are hard on the wrist, touch to aim, difficult to control…at least that is my experience.  I never recommend less than a 9mm to a new shooter, and nothing smaller than a Ruger LC9, which I like because it has enough weight to it that it shoots like a larger gun.  It has the slim profile of a single stack magazine.  It is my go to for when I need a lower profile than my go to Glock 19.

If it hurts your hand, you won’t want to practice with it, and if you don’t practice with it, you won’t be proficient…If you are not proficient, you have a door stop. 

They have a use, but if you are starting out, be kind to yourself and go with something midsized or larger.  Shoot something you will be happy with, then as your skills and confidence progress, consider going tiny as a back up if you really want to.

Safe Shooting!