Tuesday, March 12, 2013

First Women's Only Class

I assisted with Innovative Defensive Solutions, LLC's first Women's Only Class last weekend.  It was an Introduction to Defensive Handgun course and we had a great time!  The lead instructor was a man, but he was great.  I'm certified for this one, but hadn't taught it before.

The ladies seemed to have fun, it was different, but in a good way, I really enjoyed it.

I'm attaching a few photos to give you an idea.  They worked hard.  Once had never shot before, one had been to training with us before, and the other had shot once.  It was fun to watch the skills and confidence develop!

Ben giving a closer look


Actually, the sweatshirt is kind of bulky :-)


  1. Good to hear y'all have enough folks for a dedicated class! :-)

  2. Nice! Always great to see folks taking personal responsibility for their own protection!

  3. I had a great time! And learned a lot. (Also ordered your book Lynne) Thanks!


    1. Thank you! I'm glad you felt it was worthwhile. I had fun, and I appreciate you helping with the photos. They were accepted, you can look for yourself in an upcoming edition of Combat Handguns (probably August)!

  4. Nice, I was an NRA Certified Handgun Instructor back in the 80's. I was also the range office for our local club, which met at Ft. Hamilton (back when the range was open to civilians).

    Maybe if I hit the lottery I can afford to get a handgun license in NYC again. (long angry story)
