Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Toe…The Saga Continues

As many of you know, I broke my second toe Jan 1.  When I write I broke it I mean the first bone was fractured, the second in at least 4 pieces and the third crushed (still looks kind of like a mushroom on the X-rays).  If you don’t remember (and that is ok) I dropped a rifle on my foot, my bare foot, while uncasing it to put it in the safe. 

First lesson…wear shoes!

I saw my Doctor yesterday for the third round of X-rays.  Much to our mutual amazement, and my lucky stars, it is healing.  There is barely a scar from the big gash.  The swelling if finally coming down, although it is still a little flat and about 60% wider than before.  The tip shows good bone re-growth, the middle looks like one piece now and the third, well, will probably always look like a mushroom but all the little fragments seem to be growing new bone to hold them together.  So, no surgery, YEA!  And, I have permission to start wearing something other than my Uggs, 5.11 Tactical Boots or the Orthopedic flats I’ve been wearing for the last couple months.  High heels are probably still a way off, but I’m in regular flats today.  Hey, I’m a shoe girl, this is Huge for me!  I have an entire photo album dedicated to shoes on my personal FB page.  The 4 inch heels aren’t coming back anytime soon, but I’ll take what I can get for now. 

Second lesson…follow my Doctors advice.  I did; elevation, buddy taping the toe, ugly shoes.  It paid off, no surgery, no pin, no bone grafting.  I am extremely lucky, and more careful because it never even occurred to this mid-westerner who was used to going everywhere in bare feet that shoes were protective on the top as well as the bottom.

Safe Shooting…watch this site for a future photo of high heels!  J
something to look forward to!



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