About Me

I am also the author of 4 books, available on Amazon, and at many major outlets. I have been contributing writer for Combat Handgun Magazine and Women and Guns Magazine.

I was an instructor for many years, Recently retired.

Thank you for following along with me as this journey continues.

Safe Shooting!

my books

my books
Thoughts, comments and insights for women who shoot and the men who love us!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Been busy!

Things have been crazier than usual around my household lately, so I humbly apologize for not keeping up with posts.  Between the day job that pays the bills, some craziness in my community with meant more neighborhood watch patrols (and a few calls to the police), teaching every weekend, writing posts for Gun Shows Today, and starting on my 2nd book (yep, glutton for punishment) and trying to get next years National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day moving forward...well, I'm sorry.

Coming up on my calendar is a Combat Focus Shooting Fundamentals course where I get to be...a student!  How fun will that be.  If you haven't heard about CFS yet, look at it.  This training is great, doesn't matter if you are new or experienced, you will come away with skills you can use.

Also, HUGE election on Tuesday.  VOTE!  There is a lot at stake in this election, and it could make a big difference in the direction of our nation, so take a hard look inward and vote your conscience. 

Today's tip for kids and grownups alike...what do you yell when someone is grabbing you and pulling you toward someplace you don't want to go?  STRANGER!  Simple, easy to remember, sends chills down the spine of any parent but works for adults, too.  This simple word can get you more attention than Help.

Be safe and VOTE!

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