About Me

I am also the author of 4 books, available on Amazon, and at many major outlets. I have been contributing writer for Combat Handgun Magazine and Women and Guns Magazine.

I was an instructor for many years, Recently retired.

Thank you for following along with me as this journey continues.

Safe Shooting!

my books

my books
Thoughts, comments and insights for women who shoot and the men who love us!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who Knew? NTYDTTRD Update

Who knew back in Jan when we first put the idea of a National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day that we would be here, 2 months before the event, with a non-profit corporation, sponsors, events being scheduled all across our great nation, lots of people working hard to make their events special, wonderful volunteers working to help make things work for everyone and me, in the middle with my head spinning a little thinking WHAT AN AMAZING COMMUNITY THIS WORLD OF SHOOTERS IS!

I've gotten two more inquiries from ranges just today!  I'm so excited, I could burst, I can't wait for the events and to see the photos.  But more than that, I am so truly humbled by the people who have gotten behind this, who are supporting it, who are working to make their local events happen and who are sharing their ideas and support.  I'm humbled by the individual sponsors who are donating $5, $10, $20 to help with the overhead.  I know that they are sending us what they can and that is very special to me.

This year may be small in scale, but it will be HUGE in heart!  Next year will be even bigger.

Thank you all and Safe Shooting!

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